stratégiai tervezés

Physical, legal and mental boundaries have remarkable separating effects hindering the development of the border cities and regions. Studies prove that even the representatives of the most flexible sector, the entrepreneurs chose their partners from their home country even from a distance of several hundreds of kilometers instead of crossing the border and to search for a partner there. It is true even if the border is easily crossable. But if the transport infrastructure is additionally missing or the border is strictly guarded, it will result in permanently lagging regions. Since it is hard to access the border area, the investors bypass it. Because of the lack of jobs, working-age population moves away, while the shrinking population results in the termination of the services. Several borderlands are still characterised by this negative spiral – regardless of the EU integration process. The development of these regions makes necessary the utilisation of specific methods whose most important component is the opening of the area toward the neighbouring regions.

During the last 10 years, CESCI has developed a tool-kit to respond these specific challenges including the following components.

The key of the planning process is the identification of those factors enhancing or hindering the opening of the two neighbouring borderlands to each other, i.e. their internal (territorial, economic and social) cohesion. Within the strategy, all these cohesion factors are presented as challenges while the planned interventions as responses to these challenges. Therefore, these are not the macroeconomic processes which are in the focus of the state-of-the-art analysis and the strategy but the internal potential of the border area whose engine is the strengthening of cross-border cohesion, integration.

Our experts participate in the designing process of cross-border programmes according to the above principles of cross-border planning. The integrated approach can be detected in the intervention logic of the programme and in new tools which can enhance the integration.

The assessment of the realisation and the results of integrated cross-border strategies and programmes represents an important factor of spatial development. For this purpose, our association has developed an own methodology which concentrates on the evaluation of the level of integration and cohesion. The analysis of the cross-border impacts of the given strategy, programme or intervention facilitates the fine-tuning and further development of both the applied procedures, tools and the EU level policies.


  • elaboration of integrated cross-border urban and regional strategies;
  • development of territorial analyses targeting particular border areas;
  • development and testing of integrated spatial development tools;
  • elaboration of cross-border cooperation programmes;
  • territorial impact assessment (TIA) of cross-border strategies, programmes;
  • assessment of the performance of cross-border programmes;
  • development of methodologies related to the above professional deliveries.


Analysis of territorial challenges, needs and potentials of the Danube Region and strategic options in view of the Transnational cooperation for the period 2021-2027

Analysis of territorial challenges, needs and potentials of the Danube Region and strategic options in view of the Transnational cooperation for the period 2021-2027

In February 2019, within the framework of the public benefit services, CESCI started the elaboration of the regional analysis of ...
First Phase Evaluation of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020

First Phase Evaluation of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020

The first phase evaluation of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme was designed to fulfil the on-going (mid-term) ...
First Phase Evaluation of the INTERREG IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia

First Phase Evaluation of the INTERREG IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia

2018 was the year of First Phase (earlier: mid-term) evaluation of the cooperation programmes. In February, the Managing Authority of ...
First Phase Evaluation of the INTERREG V-A Hungary-Croatia Programme (2014-2020)

First Phase Evaluation of the INTERREG V-A Hungary-Croatia Programme (2014-2020)

2018 was the year of First Phase (earlier: mid-term) evaluation of the cooperation programmes. In February 2018, the Managing Authority ...
First Phase Evaluation of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme (2014-2020)

First Phase Evaluation of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme (2014-2020)

2018 is the year of First Phase evaluation of the cooperation programmes. In February 2018, the Managing Authority of the ...
Functional analysis and evaluation of planned cross-border public road infrastructural developments in the Hungarian-Slovak border region (HU)

Functional analysis and evaluation of planned cross-border public road infrastructural developments in the Hungarian-Slovak border region (HU)

CESCI and Főmterv Zrt. submitted a bid to the call published by the Hungarian Transport Development Coordination Centre (KKK) (financed ...
Preparation of the Slovakia-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (2014-2020)

Preparation of the Slovakia-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (2014-2020)

The consortium composed by HBF Hungaricum Ltd., the Centire Ltd. and CESCI was assigned for the programming tasks of the ...
Regional analysis of the Danube Transnational Programme (INTERREG V-B)

Regional analysis of the Danube Transnational Programme (INTERREG V-B)

CESCI was entrusted with preparing a regional analysis assisting the design of the Danube Transnational Programme beyond 2014 ...
Territorial analysis for the future INTERREG NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine CBC programme

Territorial analysis for the future INTERREG NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine CBC programme

In the summer 2019 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary as the Managing Authority of the current ...
Territorial analysis of the next Hungary-Serbia INTERREG IPA CBC Programme

Territorial analysis of the next Hungary-Serbia INTERREG IPA CBC Programme

On 15 October 2020 the Programming Committee of the cross-border cooperation programme between Hungary and Serbia has adopted the Territorial ...
Territorial analysis of the programme area of the next Hungary-Slovakia Interreg CBC Programme

Territorial analysis of the programme area of the next Hungary-Slovakia Interreg CBC Programme

The thematic preparation of the Slovakia-Hungary INTERREG CBC Program 2021-2027 was started by CESCI on behalf of the Managing Authority ...
The strategic programme of cross-border cooperation in the Komárom-Esztergom region (HU)

The strategic programme of cross-border cooperation in the Komárom-Esztergom region (HU)

One of the first assignments of the association was the elaboration of the cooperation strategy of Komárom-Esztergom county with the ...


A new tool for cross-border governance is being designed by OECD

A new tool for cross-border governance is being designed by OECD

One and a half year ago the European Commission assigned the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to develop a tool for cross-border governance. The draft tool is ready and it was presented in and commented on at a ...
CESCI prepared the urban development concept for Šahy

CESCI prepared the urban development concept for Šahy

As a result of nearly a year of joint design, on February 27, 2024, Šahy’s urban development concept, prepared by the Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), was presented to the public. The nearly 130 page document discusses in ...
CESCI to prepare the development concept of Šahy

CESCI to prepare the development concept of Šahy

Following previous examples, CESCI will prepare a development concept for Šahy, located in southern Slovakia, based on the agreement signed between Pál Zachar, Mayor of the city, and Gyula Ocskay, Secretary General of the Budapest-based association, on 21 March 2023 ...
Conference on cross-border spatial monitoring

Conference on cross-border spatial monitoring

Statistics more often than not stop at the border and thus building comparable datasets which are essential for proper cross-border spatial planning is extremely difficult. This is why CESCI together with its partners, the MOT and the French Institute in ...
A Hungarian-Slovenian economic and development agreement has been signed

A Hungarian-Slovenian economic and development agreement has been signed

A Hungarian-Slovenian economic and development agreement was signed by the Hungarian and Slovenian prime ministers on 21 February in Lendava. Under the agreement, the parties will provide 5-5 million EUR per year for the development of the Mura and Rába ...

Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium