Three projects of the Via Carpatia EGTC have reached milestones

| 17 March 2021

The first tender of the Beautiful Cserehát Cross-border Action Plan for Employment (Through renovation to the education) was successfully completed, and two educational centres were renewed within the framework of it. The results of the project were demonstrated at an online closing conference on 12 March. The newly launched tender called ‘Find your way to the labour market’ is based on the results of this tender, the opening conference of which also took place on 12 March 2021. Within the framework of the project, they organise training courses for unemployed people so that they can be successful in the labour market. The launch of the marketplaces in the framework of the tender called ‘Meet the local needs’, which is also part of the action plan, can be expected in the next few months, as the construction work is coming to an end.

Within the I-CARE SMART tender, the Via Carpatia EGTC carried out a representative survey and its promotion among the elderly. From the region of Košice, more than 700 elderly person participated in the survey, which focused on identifying the problems, needs and interests of the elderly. The EGTC was in contact with companies and institutions that are working on smart technologies for the elderly, which are planned to be tested by elderly people. Within the framework of the silverstar-challenge, they invited institutions to demonstrate their ideas and activities in order to improve the lives of the elderly.

Within the framework of the CITYCIRCLE project, an experimental activity is being prepared to analyse the waste management of schools. The EGTC focused on the analysis of the separate waste collection and biological waste treatment of the schools in the region of Košice. Accordingly, a survey was carried out in the secondary schools in the region of Košice (approx. 70 schools) on the level of separate waste collection and waste treatment in the schools. The process has shown which schools would like to participate in these kinds of activities of the EGTC, so the EGTC will be able to help them with waste treatment within the framework of pilot activities.

Source of the photos: Via Carpatia EGTC

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