Tag: Other news

CESCI Annual General Assembly meeting 2024

CESCI Annual General Assembly meeting 2024

CESCI held its annual General Assembly meeting on May 9, with in person presence. A large number of members and their representatives participated in the general assembly meeting, all voting was successful ...
The cross-border AquaPhone event will be held again this year

The cross-border AquaPhone event will be held again this year

This year's AquaPhone event will take place in Štúrovo and Esztergom on Saturday 8 June 2024 ...
Brief report on the survey efforts of the #ACCESS project

Brief report on the survey efforts of the #ACCESS project

The #ACCESS project aims to identify and eliminate legal and administrative barriers hindering cooperation across the Slovak-Hungarian border. To collect crucial data, residents of the border region are invited to participate in five thematic surveys tailored to those who moved ...
Breaking down barriers: #ACCESS project's interviews unveil key legal and administrative obstacles

Breaking down barriers: #ACCESS project’s interviews unveil key legal and administrative obstacles

The #ACCESS project is committed to help cross-border cooperation between the Slovak Republic and Hungary through identifying and solving the still persisting administrative and legal obstacles. In order to achieve this, apart from conducting surveys involving the general public living ...
The first winners of the #ACCESS lottery are selected

The first winners of the #ACCESS lottery are selected

In compliance with the rules of the game and the GDPR regulation, the first five winners of the lottery published within the framework of the project #ACCESS were selected on 30 November, 2023 ...
Report on the extraordinary general assembly of CESCI

Report on the extraordinary general assembly of CESCI

The Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI) held its extraordinary general meeting online on October 12, 2023, during which decisions were made primarily on membership and presidency matters ...
We are looking for a Project Manager!

We are looking for a Project Manager!

| The content is only available in Hungarian. A budapesti székhelyű CESCI PROJEKTMENEDZSER állást hirdet! Amennyiben, szívesen foglalkoznál határ menti és transznacionális projektek előkészítésével és adminisztratív koordinálásával, nemzetközi partnerségek építésével és koordinálásával, különböző pénzügyi források feltérképezésével: Szeretettel várunk a CESCI-nél, ...
CESCI’s annual General Assembly in 2023

CESCI’s annual General Assembly in 2023

On 31 May 2023, CESCI held its annual General Assembly meeting in person, at the Hotel Thermal Balance in Lenti. Both the professional programme prior to the meeting and the General Assembly was attended by a high number of members ...
Close cooperation with the Ukrainian partners persists. A visit to Uzhhorod

Close cooperation with the Ukrainian partners persists. A visit to Uzhhorod

On 19 April, the Secretary General of our association visited Uzhhorod, where several meetings were held to prepare the future cooperation between CESCI and its Ukrainian partners ...
The EGTC Award was handed in 2022 to the Italian-Slovenian EGTC GO and the Slovak-Hungarian Pons Danubii EGTC

The EGTC Award was handed in 2022 to the Italian-Slovenian EGTC GO and the Slovak-Hungarian Pons Danubii EGTC

The EGTC Platform established in 2011 by the Committee of the Regions held its annual meeting in Liberec, Czechia on 24 and 25 November this year. The meeting was hosted by Liberec Region and the tri-national Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa ...

Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium