Sharing Expertise on Cross-border Cooperation

Our initiative called SECCo (Sharing Expertise on Cross-border Cooperation) promoting cross-border cooperation on the territory of the Danube Strategy has been launched in compliance with the road map adopted in 2012 by the EUSDR Priority Area 10 (PA 10). First, in 2013-2015 with the involvement of experts of 6 countries we realised a comprehensive research on the borderlands of the macroregion. Then (in 2018-2019) together with our partners, we have developed an online platrofm and an e-learning application helping actors cooperating across the borders.

  • 2013-2015


    SECCo - 1

    With the involvement of experts of 6 countries we realised a comprehensive research on the borderlands of the macroregion.

  • 2018-2019

    SECCo - 2

    Together with our partners, we have developed an online platform and an e-learning application helping actors cooperating across the borders.



Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium