European Week of Regions and Cities – reviewable content

| 29 October 2020

The European Week of Regions and Cities, the biggest annual event, which normally takes place in Brussels, and which examines the European Union’s regional policy, this year was held online, having regard to the epidemiological situation. The three consecutive weeks were dedicated to three different topics: the first week (5th-9th October) to the empowering of citizens, the second week (12th-16th October) to cohesion and cooperation, and the third week (19th-22th October) to environmental protection. Our colleagues from CESCI participated in 20 workshops, and one workshop was moderated by our Secretary General.

Over the past three weeks, the professional audiences could discuss the common challenges facing European regions and cities within the frames of over 500 seminars, and together they could put forward possible solutions to these issues. The event brought together political representatives, policy-makers, experts and practitioners of regional policy, business, banking, and civil society organisations; academicians, stakeholders of the EU institutions, and media representatives.

Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

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