EGTC-Workshop 2018/2 (Budapest)

Budapest, 21 June 2018

This year, the second meeting of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation was held on June 21st, 2018 at the Regional and Cross-Border Development Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The workshop was opened by the Deputy Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Regional and Cross-border Economic Cooperation Péter Kiss-Parciu. In the first half of the meeting, the participants were informed about the opportunities for promoting growth and cohesion in the border regions, the possibilities of the Bethlen Gábor Fund and the Ister-Granum EGTC Dunavidék-Neszmély ferry project.

This was followed by a session dedicated to sharing information on the advancement of removing legal obstacles as well as on the EGTC monitoring system and website. Subsequently, a briefing on the Small Project Fund and a questionnaire for the development strategy of EGTCs 2014-2020 were presented. As part of the closing of the program, the Ministry’s representatives discussed with the EGTCs the current issues affecting them.

Previous EGTC-workshops

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