Tag: Fundraising

Funding map: inter-university workshop of the Szentgotthárd/Monošter seminar

Funding map: inter-university workshop of the Szentgotthárd/Monošter seminar

CESCI is constantly checking out the available calls for applications within the framework of different programmes, about which the members of the association are informed through the newsletter, and by which resource maps are compiled meeting the needs of the ...
Funding map of Bihor county for projects to be realised in international cooperation

Funding map of Bihor county for projects to be realised in international cooperation

In the document, CESCI present the financing options available for Bihor county (Romania). The aim is to use several types of sources to realise the regional development ideas, in an integrated and synergistic manner ...
Financing opportunities for the Via Carpatia corridor

Financing opportunities for the Via Carpatia corridor

A funding map was designed for Košice county targeting the development of the transport corridor ...
Funding map of Győr for projects to be realised in international cooperation

Funding map of Győr for projects to be realised in international cooperation

In the document below, we present the funding opportunities that are available to strengthen Győr's international relations. The goal is to use multiple resources in an integrated and synergistic way to realize the city’s development ideas ...
Background for the intermunicipality cooperation of the "Danube Pannon" cross-border region (Baja, Mohács, Osijek, Beli Manastir, Sombor, Apatin) and a funding map for the cooperating parties' development ideas

Background for the intermunicipality cooperation of the “Danube Pannon” cross-border region (Baja, Mohács, Osijek, Beli Manastir, Sombor, Apatin) and a funding map for the cooperating parties’ development ideas

Commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade CESCI has composed a funding map for partners of the city-level partnership evolving in the Hungarian-Serbian-Croatian tri-border region ...
Resources for cultural cooperation. Supporting the cooperation between Slovenes in Hungary and Hungarians in Slovenia (HU)

Resources for cultural cooperation. Supporting the cooperation between Slovenes in Hungary and Hungarians in Slovenia (HU)

At the request of the Slovene Embassy, we compiled a document on EU and non-EU funding opportunities that can be accessed in order to stimulate cooperation between Slovenes in Hungary and Hungarians in Slovenia ...

Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium