Close cooperation with the Ukrainian partners persists. A visit to Uzhhorod

On 19 April, the Secretary General of our association visited Uzhhorod, where several meetings were held to prepare the future cooperation between CESCI and its Ukrainian partners.

During the visit, our Secretary General had a face-to-face meeting with Volodymyr Chubirko, President of the Transcarpathian Regional Council and Co-President of the Tisza EGTC. In the meeting they identified the areas where CESCI can provide assistance to the Transcarpathian Region. Furthermore, they discussed the region’s involvement in the work of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and its upcoming events.

At the request of the region’s president, Gyula Ocskay paid a visit to the Uzhhorod Castle Museum, where the director, Olga Shumovska, presented the improvements made so far and talked about the planned future steps, for the implementation of which she asked for CESCI’s assistance. The Secretary General promised to draw up a resource map to help receive funding for highly complex development ideas. Since then, the preparation of the resource map has already begun.

This was followed by a meeting with Yaroslav Lazur, Dean, and Yulia Fetko, junior researcher, at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Uzhhorod, located next to the castle, to discuss the cooperation between the research group established by CESCI and the UPS and the research institute to be founded in Uzhhorod. The research institute specialising in European Territorial Cooperation was established by the University Senate on 6 May, and joint work has already started: the Uzhhorod institute will participate in the AEBR’s annual event in Košice in November, co-organised by CESCI, which will also include a visit to Uzhhorod. A cooperation agreement is being prepared between the UPS-CESCI research group and the institute in Uzhhorod. In addition, CESCI is providing assistance to promote the institute, led by Yulia Fetko, internationally.

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