
  • Author: CESCI
  • Territory: Carpatian space
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Type: Study
  • Language of publication: Hungarian, English
  • Number of pages: 74 (HU), 75 (EN)

Final report (Legal Accessibility: Second milestone)

The closing report is the summary of the follow-up of the project implemented by CESCI with the support of the Ministry of Justice. Mainly thanks to the Cross-Border Review project implemented in parallel by the European Commission, the Hungarian initiative had a resonance in Europe, and since many opportunities for further development emerged during the realisation of the first project, the second milestone became manageable in 2017.

The document gives a comprehensive overview on this multi-element work taking place in 2017.

  • The team of CESCI Balkans examined the legal framework of launching an EGTC-type tool in Serbia and they negotiated about it with the representatives of the competent Serbian ministries; they also made a proposal for an EGTC-law and the establishment of euroregional cooperation groupings (ECG) with the participation of Serbian entities, within the margin for manoeuvre defined by the Madrid Outline Convention ratified by Serbia as well.
  • In the field of cross-border rescue, CESCI established a working group involving representatives of the relevant ministries and authorities, with the help of which the experts examined the system of conditions for cross-border service provision of Hungarian ambulances. The report also describes the proposals formulated at EU, bilateral and Hungarian level regarding these areas, and it also explains where the launch of the cross-border rescue in practice would be the most needed, taking the service areas of ambulance stations in Hungary and the neighbouring countries into consideration.
  • Regarding the issue of cross-border sales of local products, the report showcases the technical working group set up, the survey carried out in the topic, and the study that analysed the legal framework of Hungary and made proposals.

Finally, the document summarises the study conducted on cross-border information services; this work included an examination of existing domestic (national level) information sources, exemplary cross-border European examples, and the content of EU-level information platforms concerning Hungary; exploring the policy initiatives and their legal background launched by the European Union in the field of digital services and e-government in order to establish the Single Market; and a comprehensive evaluation of information sources in Hungary. Regarding this element, the final report also provides a comprehensive picture of what is available now in Hungary for foreign people who want to work, study, buy a car, get married, etc. in Hungary, and what decision-makers can take in order to improve the quality of information services.

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