
  • Lead partner: CESCI
  • Partners: Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IELR NASU); State University «Uzhhorod National University» (Faculty of Law); University of Presov, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Political Science; Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences; Technical University of Liberec
  • Territory: Central and Eastern Europe
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Language: English
  • Number of pages: 95

Comparative analysis on the competencies of regional and local authorities in the field of CBC of the 5 countries

Összehasonlító elemzés a regionális és helyi hatóságok kompetenciáiról a visegrádi országokban és Ukrajnában

In November 2020 the project called “With cross-border cooperation for the Europeanisation of Ukrainian borders” was launched with the support of the International Visegrad Fund in the framework of which the project partners have published a comparative analysis entitled “Comparative analysis on the competencies of regional and local authorities in the field of CBC of the 5 countries”.

The aim of the partners was to analyse the legal background of cross-border activities of local and regional authorities of the Visegrad Four countries (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary) and Ukraine with a view to identifying those V4 solutions and models which can be adapted to Ukraine. These solutions and models have been developed in parallel with the EU integration process of the Visegrad countries. Therefore, they can be beneficial for Ukraine when developing the country’s ties with the EU within the framework of the Association Agreement. At the same time, the models have national characteristics rooted in the history of the particular countries which limits the applicability thereof. Consequently, there is a need to analyse the frames of adaptability.

The study is built up by 7 chapters all together. After the introduction 5 country specific chapters follow each providing a brief overview of the territorial administrative system, the legislation on local and regional authorities, the rights and competencies of local and regional actors on international and cross-border cooperation as well as examples of application of international agreements of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia respectively. The study finishes with a summarising Conclusion chapter.

The project is led by CESCI in collaboration with the State University «Uzhgorod National University» (Faculty of Law), Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IELR NASU), University of Presov, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Political Science, Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences and the Technical University of Liberec.

Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium