Entries by WebMaster

Author: WebMaster

CESCI’s annual General Assembly in 2023

CESCI’s annual General Assembly in 2023

On 31 May 2023, CESCI held its annual General Assembly meeting in person, at the Hotel Thermal Balance in Lenti. Both the professional programme prior to the meeting and the General Assembly was attended by a high number of members ...
b-solutions: Online info session

b-solutions: Online info session

The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) will host an online info session on Wednesday 28 June (11:30-12:15, CEST) to present the b-solutions initiative addressing border regions ...
Cross-Border Review 2022

Cross-Border Review 2022

This issue of the Cross-Border Review has been compiled during a rapidly changing geopolitical environment in Europe and the world in general. Nevertheless, as this edition of the Cross-Border Review demonstrates, cross-border cooperation and intercultural dialogue are alive and well ...
Monošter Forum 2022

Monošter Forum 2022

Szlovénia budapesti és Magyarország ljubljanai nagykövetségével, valamint a Szlovén Köztársaság Szentgotthárdi Főkonzulátusával együttműködve, a CESCI a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával négyéves szünet után 2022. október 4-én ötödik alkalommal rendezi meg a Szentgotthárdi Fórumot ...
Monošter Forum 2022

Monošter Forum 2022

5. Monošter Forum ...
EGTC-Workshop 2022/1 (Budapest)

EGTC-Workshop 2022/1 (Budapest)

The first EGTC workshop was organised this year in Budapest. The main topics of the workshop were the new programming period and the role of the EGTCs in regional development ...
Cross-Border Review 2021

Cross-Border Review 2021

The ‘Cross-Border Review 2021’ is the eighth edition of the yearbook published by CESCI. Unavoidably, this 2021 Cross-Border Review Yearbook is marked by the profoundly complex experience of living with a global and borderless pandemic ...
Seminar: Trianon, 100 years after

Seminar: Trianon, 100 years after

On Wednesday October 27, 2021 in the auditorium of the French Institute in Budapest, a seminar will be organized with the title "Trianon, 100 years after. Cross-border cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe" ...
Planificare transfrontalieră integrată: utilizarea instrumentelor teritoriale în planificarea și implementarea programelor și proiectelor transfrontaliere

Planificare transfrontalieră integrată: utilizarea instrumentelor teritoriale în planificarea și implementarea programelor și proiectelor transfrontaliere

The borders inherited from Trianon had a profoundly divisive effect and generated tension in Central and Eastern Europe. However, the accession of Hungary and certain other states in the region to the European Union has initiated a dynamic of development ...

Honlapunk a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium támogatásával készült.

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium