Documents relating to the 6th milestones of the Legal accessibility initiative are available

+ | 01 March 2022

CESCI has been implementing Legal accessibility projects since 2016 with the support of the Hungarian Ministry of Justice in order to identify the pertaining legal and administrative obstacles along the Hungarian borders and draft recommendations on the potential solutions thereof – based on the experiences of European best practices. The documents from the sixth milestone are available. 

The 6th milestone of the Legal accessibility initiative on the one hand built on the previous results and on the other hand it brought up new topics. The milestone included three activities related to two topics: 

  • The publication of a comprehensive analysis on the legal solution for the institutionalisation of urban agglomeration areas (read more here)
  • The organisation of a forum and conference on the topic of the legal accessibility among the Visegrad Countries (read more here)
  • The compilation of the final report – in Hungarian and English (read more here). 

All the outputs of the Legal accessibility initiative can be found on the website dedicated to this topic:

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