AEBR Balkans and CESCI Balkans celebrate 5 years anniversary

| 18 December 2020

On the 16th of December 2020 AEBR Balkans and CESCI Balkans celebrated the 5th anniversary of their collaboration. To honour their fruitful story of cooperation, they met online with friends and partners from all over Europe to discuss on the past, the present and especially on the future of cross-border cooperation in Western Balkans. The conference was chaired by our colleague, Melinda Benczi, strategic planner of CESCI.


The event was titled “Functional cross-border regions as engines of EU integration of the Western Balkans” has indeed touched several points of interest: from the story on how AEBR and CESCI started their initiatives and their natural collaboration in the area, to some more technical insights on how functional regions and integrated cross-border cooperation can be useful means to build trust and capacity in the European integration perspective.

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