Webinar on the National Energy and Climate Plans of Danube Region Countries

| 24 May 2021

In May the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and REKK jointly organised two webinars dedicated to the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of Danube Region Countries, focusing on renewable heating and transportation. CESCI’s expert participated on the second webinar, on 20th of May the topic of which was Renewable Heat and Biomass, Road to a Sustainable Transport sector, Main Lessons from the NECPs. 

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region’s Sustainable Energy Priority Area has recently published a study called National Energy and Climate Plans in the Danube Region “, which provides a comparative assessment of the targets, measures and expected outcomes laid down in the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of EU member states belonging to the Danube Region, and the energy strategies of the non-EU Danube Region countries where NECPs are in progress. The analysis had been prepared by REKK and focuses on the planned development in the most important areas of energy consumption: electricity and gas markets, heating and cooling, transport, buildings and the industry sector.

On the webinar the presenters underlined that in recent years only Germany has been able to reduce GHG emissions among the EU member states and at the same time the share of renewable energy resources in transport is very low. Increasing this share, increasing this share would be essential, however, the member states only committed to highly modest ratios. 

For further details, please read the following four policy briefs prepared by REKK which summarize the findings of the study in the areas of electricity, natural gas, heating and cooling and transport or visit the event’s site: https://rekk.hu/event/250/national-energy-and-climate-plans-of-danube-region-countries-renewable-heating-transportation 

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