The second Szentgotthárd – Monošter Seminar

| 13 April 2016

The Second Seminar on Cooperation took place on 11 and 12 of April 2016 in the City of Szentgotthárd. The two-days event provided opportunity to meet for more than 120 Hungarian and Slovenian participants from both public and private sectors.

On the 21st and 22nd of April 2015, under the auspice of the ambassadors of the two countries, Hungarian and Slovenian mayors, businessmen, experts of regional development and representatives of the academic sphere met in Szentgotthárd / Monošter in order to unfold the potentials of cooperation, to share their ideas with their neighbours and to find partners for concrete projects. The parties signing the Szentgotthárd / Monošter Call have initiated a regular annual meeting where the cooperation between stakeholders of the neighbouring nations can be enhanced and enlarged.

The two embassies, the Municipality of Szentgotthárd, the Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives, the Slovenian-Hungarian Business Association and the Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegions organized the Second Seminar on Cooperation on the 11th and 12th of April 2016 in the City Hall of Szentgotthárd.

Watch the Slovenski Utrinki TV programme’s broadcast on the Szentgotthárd – Monošter Initiative’s second seminar:

Similarly to last year’s seminar, the two-days programme did include presentations in the frame of cooperation, each participant could introduce their project ideas and had opportunity to find project partners. On the first day, an informative forum and exchange of experiences was held for Hungarian entrepreneurs willing to invest in Slovenia. In a roundtable discussion lead by Bence Sárossy, vice-president of the Slovene-Hungarian Business Association, the representatives of Mol Slovenija, Allianz-Hungária and Alto Press presented their business experiences. Afterwards, a presentation was held on company establishment and on the legal and taxation environment in Slovenia. Parallel to the business section, a roundtable discussion on bilingualism took place with the participation of Slovene and Hungarian secondary schools from the border region, in the presence of the representatives of the Institute for Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana, Boris Jesih, Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in Szentgotthárd, as well as Valéria Perger, Head Counselor on Raba-region of the Slovene Ministry for Education. The discussion was moderated by Erika Kissné Köles Slovene Nationality Spokesperson.

In the afternoon sessions the frameworks and perspectives of tourism and higher education cooperation were discussed. In the tourism section presentations were held by the representatives of the Hungarian Tourism Ltd., the TDM Association, the Vas County Tourism Association, the Maribor Tourist Information Center and the Pomurje Tourist Association. In the parallel section on higher education, the representatives of the Pannon University, the Universitiy of Maribor, Debrecen and West Hungary, also the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg did consult with each other on the possibilities of cooperation. The first day’s program was closed by a joint dinner of the participants. At the dinner Katalin Szili, Commissioner of the Prime Minister, held an opening speech.

On the second day of the seminar the participants were welcomed by H.E. Ms. Ksenija Škrilec, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Hungary, H.E. Mrs. Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of Hungary to Slovenia and Mr. Gábor Huszár, mayor of Szentgotthard. During the first section the joint project of Őrség National Park and Goričko Nature Park was introduced, as well as the Pomurje-Porabje EGTC providing the institutional framework of the Slovenian-Hungarian cross-border co-operation. Afterwards the officer responsible for transport of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Cross-border Economic Cooperation Department introduced planned new transport connections between the two states. Lastly, the members of the Pannon Local Product Nonprofit Ltd. spoke about local resources-based economic development opportunities in a cross-border region.

Subsequently, the seminar participants were given the opportunity to present specific project ideas and consult with potential project partners. The project ideas presented concerned cooperation in the field of local governance, secondary and vocational education, as well as forestry.

The two-day seminar ended with the technical meeting of “Pomurje Porabje” EGTC.

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