Tag: Territorial monitoring

Report on the Jean Monet Network's Workshop

Report on the Jean Monet Network’s Workshop

A two-day conference was held between 30th November and 1st December in Strasbourg, France in the frames of the EU-supported Jean Monet Network. This was the second workshop in relation to the Borders and Human Security to Military Security Database ...
EGTC monitor – Analysis, information, support

EGTC monitor – Analysis, information, support

Our organisation, the Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives has been providing professional support for establishing and developing EGTCs (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation). We are now expanding this supporting activity with another tool, the information platform of European Grouping ...
Contribution paper of CESCI to the public consultation on cross-border obstacles - 1. Harmonisation of databases

Contribution paper of CESCI to the public consultation on cross-border obstacles – 1. Harmonisation of databases

CESCI participated in the professional working group of the Cross-border Review project launched by the Commissioner for Regional Policy. In the framework of the consultation process, CESCI drafted a contribution paper urging the harmonisation of territorial statistical systems ...
Second seminar on cross-border territorial observation

Second seminar on cross-border territorial observation

Following the Nancy initiative taken by the French Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière, CESCI organised the second European seminar on cross-border territorial monitoring in Budapest ...
Figure collection for the state-of-play analysis of Pons Danubii EGTC (HU)

Figure collection for the state-of-play analysis of Pons Danubii EGTC (HU)

The document contains 23 statistical maps and 12 figures on the EGTC’s cities and their catchment areas, which can effectively be used to prepare the strategic plan of the EGTC ...

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