
  • Author: CESCI
  • Territory: Carpatian space
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Type: Study
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Number of pages: 54

Summary report on the series of sectoral interviews (Legal Accessibility: First milestone)

In the framework of the first milestone of the Legal accessibility project, CESCI compiled a summary of interviews with sectoral experts on the obstacles gathered during roundtable discussions at stakeholder workshops in 2016.

In the framework of summarizing in-depth interviews, telephone consultations and written responses, besides the specific cases and problems identified during previous stakeholder workshops, the document aims to understand each regulatory system as a whole, therefore, in addition to specific responses to problems, the document also contains general information describing the specific area. The summary report describes the sectoral reactions from the incoming responses sector by sector, more specifically obstacle by obstacle. Although the aim of the interviews – and of the project as a whole – is to make concrete legislative proposals, the prepared interview report is still a valuable result in itself, contributing to a deeper understanding of the complex nature of political barriers in the twelve studied topics from border police through transport to disaster management.

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