Határtalanul (Without borders) event in Nyíradony

| 10 March 2023

On 9 March 2023, the Gate to Europe EGTC organised an event called “Without borders: the meeting of member settlements and traditional groups of the Gate to Europe EGTC” in the Forest Harmony Visitor Centre in Nyíradony.

As part of the event, Livia Banu and Monica Terean, Heads of the BRECO Office, gave a presentation on the expected calls for proposals under the Romanian-Hungarian Interreg Programme and on previous experiences. Melinda Benczi, International Relations Coordinator of CESCI, presented the experience with the B-solutions initiative of EGTCs in Hungary, encouraging the mayors present to apply for the opportunity, coordinated by AEBR, in order to overcome existing legal and administrative obstacles as soon as possible. Finally, Dr. Árpádné Nagy, Head of the Mura Region EGTC, talked about their previous successful projects. 

Within the framework of the project, folk music and traditional groups from the region gave their performances, while the joint lunch was a good opportunity to present and taste the traditional dishes of the region.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/egtc.gatetoeurope

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