
  • Author: CESCI
  • Territory: Central and Eastern Europe
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Language: English
  • Number of pages: 38

Contribution document of CESCI to the proposal related to restructuring of PA10 of European Union Strategy for Danube Region (2013)

The EUSDR PA10 coordinator has submitted a proposal (discussion document) aiming to restructure the PA10. The proposal became open for discussion until the 10th December 2013 with a view to clarifying and making more accurate the argumentation of the short non-paper.

The present contribution document can be divided into two parts: the first chapters discuss three components of the proposal: network economy, polycentric urban network and biosphere based development.
In the second part of the document (based on the results of the territorial analysis of the future transnational Danube programme) the paper gives a short view on the state-of-play of the topics analysed in the first chapter in the Danube region, respectively.

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