CESCI General Assembly 2020

| 20 September 2020

CESCI held its Annual General Assembly Meeting on the 14th September 2020, which had been delayed due to the epidemic emergency situation. Taking into consideration the preferences of the members, the Assembly was held online, for which the application of specific legal requirements was needed (the arrangements of online voting, drawing up the minutes of the Assembly, etc.), and in order to ensure that the Assembly would be properly conducted, it was essential to provide a solid technical background, as the members were participating at the same time from multiple locations, speaking Hungarian and English at the same time.

The most important item on the agenda was the acceptance of the last year’s report on the activities of the previous year, and the acceptance of the non-profit report of the previous year, as the submission of these documents to the competent authorities -even though the submission period was extended – is bounded by relatively tight deadlines.

Two new private members entered to the association, furthermore due to the expiry of some officer’s mandate, and because of the resignation of another officer, the Assembly had to elect a new Vice Chair, a new member of the presidency, and new members for the Supervisory Board.

This year’s working plan reflected the changes occurred due to the emergency. Most of the events which had been scheduled for the beginning of the year were cancelled, and there was a regression in the process of the international professional networking, as not just the time-tested methods were lost, but the border regions were also adversely affected by the EU policies and by the national decisions. To alleviate this situation, by the end of the year, CESCI joined by invitation to the European Cross-Border Citizens’ Alliance, which aims precisely the preservation of the results achieved in the last 30 years in the field of cross-border integration. The Committee of the Regions has also joined the initiative, moreover it is open to any institution or private individual who believes that the building of border relations is important.

Due to the forced reducing of the working programme, this year the CESCI has to manage with a much more modest financial plan compared to the previous year, but the good news is that this does not affect the positive nature of the equity.

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