The General Assembly meeting of the CESCI in 2021

The Annual General Assembly meeting of the Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives (CESCI) will be held on 31 May 2021, the event will be online, just like last year.

Under each agenda item the proposals, the annexes and the links to online voting can be found.

Online voting will be available on the day of the General Assembly.

Prepare your ID number for voting!

The proposal: 1. agenda: Annual (internal) reports

Downloadable annexes:

The link for online voting: voting about the 1st proposal

The proposal: 3. agenda: Working plan and budget for 2021

 Downloadable annexes:

The link for online voting: voting about the 3rd proposal

The General Assembly will decide on the “Other” agenda item.

The link for online voting: voting about the 6th proposal

Planned agenda:

  1. Annual reports
    • CESCI 2020 annual report
    • Presidency 2020 report
    • Supervisory Board 2020 report
  2. Office-holder matters
    • Election of new office-holders (expiring mandates: chairman, vice president, two full members of the Presidency)
    • Amendment to the Fundamental rule (the annex containing the office-holders changes due to the election in point 2.1)
  3. Acceptance of the working plan and budget for 2021
    • Working plan
    • Budget
  4. Accession to international organisations (ISOCARP, EuRegha, RSA, TG-WeB)
  5. The retroactive approval of the SC Fundamental rule on 26 November 2020
  6. Other

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