A new pedestrian and bicycle bridge between Hungary and Slovakia is being built

| 28 October 2020

A new, 137 meters long and 4,9 meters wide, pedestrian and bicycle bridge is being constructed to connect Hungarian Dunakiliti and Slovak Dobrohošť. The Hungarian part of the execution is carried out by Strabag Általános Építő Ltd., for 621 million HUF – as published by the data on EU public procurement.

The axis of the bridge is planned to be straight, and it will be an artwork with 5 openings, the bridgehead 1 will be flat-bottomed, all the other abutments will have pile foundations. Between the usable width of the bridge and the edges, the distance will be 4 meters. The 129 meters long superstructure will be made by prefabricated and pre-stressed reinforced concrete main girders, for each openings there will be 3 of them, connected by drop-in spans made of on-site reinforced concrete. The bridge which is constructed as a public work project of the National Infrastructure Developer Ltd. (Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.) will get a 495 meters access road on the right bank of the Danube, between the dam and the bridge.

According to the plans, the bridge will have a sufficient working load to enable the passing of fire trucks which may mean real help in disaster situations. The European Union’s Interreg programme finances 85% of the costs of the investment, and the rest is funded from national sources. The bridge over the Danube is planned to be finished by August 2021.

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