
  • Author: CESCI
  • Territory: Carpathian space
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Language: Hungarian-Slovak

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Movies of the Frontier Value project (HU-SK)

As the title of the project (HUSK 1001/2.5.2/0057: Frontier Value) represents, the project partners regard cross-border cooperation as an additional opportunity or added value in the field of regional development. Since 1999 nearly 250 million euros have been absorbed in the Hungarian-Slovakian border region, within the confines of the Phare CBC, Interreg European Territorial Cooperation programmes. As expected, during the next budgetary period, starting in 2014, further significant amount of money will be allocated in the above region. The aim of the project is facilitating the efficient and successful use of these funds by supporting the realisation of long term sustainable projects.

Within the framework of the Frontier Value project four 15-20-minutes long documentary movies were shot presenting 2 to 4 successful, exemplary projects by each. The fundamental goal of the movies is to promote those initiatives which go beyond a single project, have long-term history, the partners plan the cooperation upon a long-term, strategic basis, and the projects induce multi-faceted developments in a particular region. The interviews with the local actors and the shots about the developments illustrate the long-term development process.

List of the presented initiatives:

  • Šamorín– “We are all in the same boat”
  • Environment and Water Management of Northern Hungary– Cooperation in field of water management and environmental protection
  • Pálháza – Sárospatak–Building up a cross- border, continuous cycle path with signposts by linking the extant ones
  • Füzér – Slanec– Tourist destination around the Nagy-Milic
  • KomáromKomárno Touch land on two sides
  • Forum Institute– The third sector on the two sides of the border
  • Aggteleki Nation Park– The Gömör-Torna karst
  • Duna-Ipoly National Park – Ipel’ Union– Value focused development of the Ipoly Valley
  • Abaúj in Abaúj– Tourism without borders
  • Fiľakovo– Exemplary regional development in Nógrád – Novohrad

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